“There isn’t going to be any turning point. There isn’t going to be any next-month-it’ll-be-better, next fucking year, next fucking life. You don’t ha…
I received an email from Kershona Mayo from The Mora May Music PR Agency asking if I'd be interested in photographing Party Nails at the Neurolux, her…
I attended the 12th annual Idaho Potato Drop. I recorded about 200GB of video and a lot of photographs. I'll post the photographs here after I sort th…
Pictures and video of the songs can be found here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17C7IOAzIOq_gEbiMygBFpsnPR5gwTHLX?usp=sharing “Some things ta…
"Try to realize it’s all within yourself, no one else can make you change, and to see you’re really only very small and life flows on within you and w…
Have a week of use or lose at work. "There are places I remember all my life, though some have changed. Some forever, not for better. Some are gone, a…
I used to go for walks all the time; several times a week. "Living is easy with eyes closed; Misunderstanding all you see; It's getting hard to be som…
I took a walk to Quinn's Pond, aka WhiteWater Park, here in Boise. I took a few hundred pics of the surfers. I'll edit them over the next few weeks wi…