Treefort 2019, day 1

I was invited to photograph Treefort 2019 by Ed Simon for The Boise Beat. Ed has since retired from his site and entrusted it to a new owner. I’ve been blessed to have known and worked with Ed, as well as Dylan Cline, Sandi, and Rick Oliver. Ed helped me figure out what was important to me, photographically. They all gave me opportunities to make mistakes and improve. Photography has been a wonderful hobby and artistic expression. Looking back on the photographs I’d taken prior to Treefort 2019, I can see improvement in composition and editing. Anyway, here’s a few pic…oh! I almost forgot! The pictures of the hamburgers…I can’t remember where Ed and I got them–what restaurant it was, but they were amazing. The media room for Treefort is in the Owyhee Building, and just down the street is this incredible hamburger and beer joint. I can’t remember the name of the place, but they set Ed and I up with free food and drinks. If anyone knows the name of this hamburger joint, based on the photographs, please comment below.